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Grade 2 Category

Spring SAVY 2017, Day 2- Awesome Algebra

Feb. 6, 2017—Thank you for sharing your children with me again this week! We appreciate their positive, respectful attitudes. Please continue to respect our classmates by sending peanut free snacks to class. We’ve been able to earn 12 compliments, which has us well on our way to the 25 point goal! We started the day with a...

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Spring SAVY 2017, Day 2- Science of the Sea: Diving into Marine Biology

Feb. 6, 2017—Week 2 in Science of the Sea we learned a little bit more about sea water. We did an experiment to see if an egg would float on freshwater, salt water, or carbonated water. Ask your student which it floated on and why! The answer is: density. Dr. Loren shared her favorite science fact that...

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Spring SAVY 2017, Day 1- Robotic Programming

Jan. 31, 2017—Greetings! Welcome to Robotic Programming!  We had a fabulous start to our class today!  Your kids are absolutely amazing! We started to the day by learning the rules and expectations, and by giving a pre-test so that we can see how much your child already knows about programming. That helps us individualize for them so...

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Spring SAVY 2017, Day 1- Awesome Algebra

Jan. 31, 2017—It was an exciting Saturday, meeting and getting to know our new class! Students worked hard to create concept maps and complete pre-assessments, while getting to know each other and some of our classroom routines. We were able to earn six compliments yesterday for following our three classroom rules: 1) Be Safe 2) Be Responsible...

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Spring SAVY 2017, Day 1- Science of the Sea: Diving into Marine Biology

Jan. 31, 2017—Our first week of Science of the Sea was all about aquatic ecosystems. We learned about freshwater versus saltwater ecosystems and classified organisms by where they prefer to live. We also learned about estuaries, which connect salt and freshwater. We learned about the scientific method and what marine biologists do. To get an idea of...

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Fall SAVY 2016 (Day 5) – Where’s the Beach?

Oct. 24, 2016—Hello Parents! It’s hard to believe that Week 5 has already come and gone!  We had a busy day as we learned about several different solutions to the problem of beach erosion.  By moving from center to center, students were able to experience learning in various ways.  At one center, they used materials to construct a...

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Fall SAVY 2016 (Day 5) – Robotic Programming

Oct. 24, 2016—Greetings!  Today was an absolutely fabulous day!  I have worked with gifted children for more than a decade, and I have seen how hard it is to teach gifted children how to learn from failure because they simply aren’t used to it.  When things typically come easily, it can be very frustrating and disheartening when...

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Fall SAVY 2016 (Day 4) – Where’s the Beach?

Oct. 17, 2016—Hello Parents!  For our 4th week of Fall SAVY,  students explored the causes and solutions for wind and water erosion.  We began by finding out what the students already knew about erosion.  They readily recalled the weathering lessons from last week, and discussed how wind and water can wear away rocks.  They knew that erosion...

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Fall SAVY 2016 (Day 4) – Robotic Programming

Oct. 17, 2016—Greetings!  Today was busy, busy, busy!  We started with a programming meeting, and worked on what the variables are that we can control when we program.  The kids were able to identify them:  color, speed, sound, angle, and time.  The really amazing thing is that we did an activity about angles, and they learned that...

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Fall SAVY 2016 (Day 3) – Where’s the Beach?

Oct. 10, 2016—Greetings! Our class this week focused on the natural process of weathering.  We examined various rocks and used our observation skills to determine how they were different in size, texture, shape, and color.  The students demonstrated solid background knowledge about the fact that rocks can change, and they shared ideas about how those changes can occur over...

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