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Grade 2 Category

Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 3, Day 2) – Brain Blast

Jun. 28, 2016—Our second day of brain blast was filled with gaining more insight into the many parts of the brain including the different lobes of the cerebrum, the brain stem, limbic system, and cerebellum. By exploring the structures of the brain and their corresponding functions, students began to get a sense of the complexity of the...

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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 3, Day 1) – Modeling Motion

Jun. 27, 2016—Dear parents and families,  It was a great day in Modeling Motion!  We began with a deep investigation of the motion of a few Lego NXT Robots, programmed to move differently.  Students described the motion of their robot, and others tried to imitate how their robot must have moved, with their bodies.  We gradually began...

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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 3, Day 1) – Brain Blast

Jun. 27, 2016—Welcome to the first day of brain blast!  We met our new neuroscientists and introduced them to the lab. After getting to know each other a little better and establishing our lab guidelines with students help, we started asking questions about the brain. This led us to realize we needed to do some research to...

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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 2, Day 4) – Scripting Stories

Jun. 23, 2016—Today, we spent a lot of time reviewing and adding to the concepts we have discussed this week such as script, adaptation, character, plot, setting, and improvisation. As a class, the students outlined what they knew about these topics and decided what else they wanted to learn for the remainder of the week. Previously we...

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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 2, Day 4) – It’s Elemental

Jun. 23, 2016—It’s Elemental was very exciting today. We started by reviewing the information we have learned so far. In the last few days we have focused on elements and elemental properties. Today we concentrated on how elements form bonds in molecules. We learnt the difference between ionic and covalent bonds. We used the trends observed in...

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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 2, Day 3) – Scripting Stories

Jun. 22, 2016—We started the day with some improvisation games. The students imagined they were magic rocks, and they transformed into items from a lion to a television to a fish with the wave of a wand! We then played a game called prop. The students found many creative ways to imagine a simple basket was something...

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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 2, Day 3) – It’s Elemental

Jun. 22, 2016—Today in It’s Elemental we focused on the periodic table and the elements. We started out by discussing how to read the boxes on a periodic table. For example if we look at the box for Germanium we can see that it has an atomic number of 32, indicating that an atom of Germanium has...

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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 2, Day 2) – Scripting Stories

Jun. 21, 2016—We had another great day in Scripting Stories! Today, students worked on their own script adaptations of their favorite stories. We talked about how in adapting a story from a book to a script, you have to identify what are the most important parts of the story and make sure that those get carried over...

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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 2, Day 2) – It’s Elemental

Jun. 21, 2016—What an exciting Day 2 in It’s Elemental. We started out by learning about the history behind the current structure of an atom, from ancient Greek’s belief that there were 4 different atoms (Earth, Air, Water, and Fire) to our current understanding of quantum orbitals developed by Erwin Schrodinger. We learnt about the properties of...

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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 2, Day 1) – Scripting Stories

Jun. 20, 2016—For the first day of class, we started by getting to know each other. We began with a name game in which students said their name, an activity that they enjoy doing that begins with the first letter of their name, and a gesture to represent their activity. We went in a circle and learned...

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