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Grade 2 Category

Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 5, Day 3) – Marvelous Molecules (Dr. Zeiger)

Jul. 27, 2016—Electrons were bonding and mixing it up today in class.  We found out the difference between elements, compounds, and mixtures.   Elements including plutonium can be found on the Periodic Table of Elements while compounds consist of elements bonded together.  Students learned how the electrons in atoms help to create these bonds. The students went on...

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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 5, Day 2) – Secrets of the Moli Stone

Jul. 26, 2016—Dear Families, We started to day by reviewing our activity from yesterday—figuring out how many combinations of pennies and dimes make 47 cents and proving that we really had found all the combinations. Students found that when we organize our data this often helps patterns become more visible. In this case, most students decided that...

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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 5, Day 2) – Marvelous Molecules (Dr. Holden)

Jul. 26, 2016—From the electrons to elements and the periodic table to non-Newtonian fluids, Tuesday was chock full of fun and learning! We began the morning by expanding our chemistry concept map to include the states of matter, atoms, elements, molecules, and compounds. Next, we explored the periodic table and learned how to identify an atom’s name,...

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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 5, Day 2) – Marvelous Molecules (Dr. Zeiger)

Jul. 26, 2016—Todays class was all about atoms and meeting “numero uno”, otherwise known as hydrogen. Students learned about the positive proton, negative electron, and neutral neutron. Ask them to demonstrate an atom! We learned how Neil Bohr 100 years ago theorized that electrons move in stationary orbits and how scientists thru the years have figured out...

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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 5, Day 1) – Secrets of the Moli Stone

Jul. 25, 2016—Today we set off on our journey to solve the mystery of the Moli Stone! Students came eager to find out what the Moli Stone was, and today we got to make some initial observation and predictions about what the markings on the Moli Stone might be. We also thought about what good questions might...

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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 5, Day 1) – Marvelous Molecules (Dr. Holden)

Jul. 25, 2016—We are off to a great start in Marvelous Molecules! The morning began with a concept mapping exercise on chemistry. Next, students explored the characteristics of scientists, lab safety, and the scientific method. Later, our eager experimenters discussed how to make good observations and the importance of science journaling. After formulating hypotheses, students conducted their...

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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 5, Day 1) – Marvelous Molecules (Dr. Zeiger)

Jul. 25, 2016—Welcome to Marvelous Molecules! Our first class was so exciting as we got to meet our new young scientists! We first took time to get to know one another and then started to learn about what scientists do. Students got creative in coming up with tools, experiments, and even drawing how a scientist might look....

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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 4AM/PM, Day 9) – The Science of Complexity

Jul. 21, 2016—Today we learned about the immune system, including protein markers, t-cells, b-cells, antibodies, and natural killer cells. We started building natural selection programs in scratch that we will finish working on tomorrow. We are looking forward to welcoming families to the open house!

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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 4AM/PM, Day 8) – The Science of Complexity

Jul. 20, 2016—Today we learned about how genes in a population can change over time through a process of natural selection. First, we explore natural selection through a case study of peppered moths. Some students asked for the link to that simulation: Then, we modeled natural selection by playing a game. We found that over three generations,...

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