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Summer SAVY, Session 6 Day 5, Numbers Big and Small (3rd -4th)

Posted by on Friday, July 26, 2024 in blog, SAVY.

We are sorry that Numbers Big & Small has come to an end!  We have thoroughly enjoyed exploring numbers with your children!
Today we started the day learning about Google and how Google got its name.  Then, we switched from very large numbers to very small numbers: decimals and fractions! We read The Universe in You: A Microscopic Journey by Jason Chin.  This book zooms in – past our skin to our cells, molecules, atoms, all the way down to particles so small we can’t yet measure them.
The class was introduced to the Tenth (decimal name) Street Pet Sanctuary, where we used decimals to help birds. We chose healthcare products, food, and toys for the birds, and added the prices.  (The class discussed that it’s easy to think of decimals when we think of money.) The students ordered decimals and saw who spent the most/least money on the birds. Our class solved today’s Wordle. Also, we reviewed how to calculate the area and perimeter to prepare for our final activity.
After lunch, the class researched animals that they would like at the Pet Sanctuary.  As a culminating activity for the week, we created posters about our animal choices.  These included the calculated costs of the animals at the sanctuary and numbers related to the animals in general (size, weight, amount of food, space needed for a proper enclosure…..)  The students presented their posters and ideas to their classmates. We had quite a variety of animals joining Tenth Street Sanctuary!
Dinner table questions:
  • What animal did you choose to add to the sanctuary?
  • Why did you choose that animal?
  • What were some of the numbers related to your animal?
  • What have you learned about numbers?
  • Are there games we should play at home?
We enjoyed our week with your children!  Keep thinking like mathematicians! Thank you for a fun week!
Ms. Elizabeth