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Summer SAVY, Session 6 Day 5, Individuality vs Conformity (5th-6th)

Jul. 26, 2024—Hello and, sadly, goodbye SAVY families!     The last day is always a bittersweet time for me. On the one hand, our wonderful individuals in this course have (hopefully) grown and learned new and exciting things. On the other hand, I will have to say goodbye and wait to see them next year. True to...

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Summer SAVY, Session 6 Day 5, Urban Transportation and Data (7th-8th)

Jul. 26, 2024—In today’s session, we explored the safe system approach in greater depth, with a focus on designing and operating roadway systems to minimize fatalities and serious injuries resulting from human errors. We emphasized the importance of managing kinetic energy transfer within survivable limits, going beyond simply controlling speed. Our discussion also covered perception blindness and...

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Summer SAVY, Session 6 Day 5, Science Communication and Immunology (7th-8th)

Jul. 26, 2024—What an exciting week, particularly the last day we’ve had in the SciComm and Immunology classroom. This morning, the students were very excited to see what grew on their plates from our microbiology experiment yesterday. We discussed some challenges of scientific research as well as the parts of a research report.      The students...

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Summer SAVY, Session 6 Day 5, How to Change the World: Social Movements & Collective Action (7th-8th)

Jul. 26, 2024—Dear Parents,  We had a fantastic day of student presentations to conclude our week together!  Independent Research Projects and Presentations  Students have spent time all week working on independent research projects on various social movements, examining the movements’ goals, impacts, strategies, and tactics. Today, we had the joy of learning from each of them! The...

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Summer SAVY, Session 6 Day 5, Intro to Engineering (Shuman & Green) (5th-6th)

Jul. 26, 2024—We finished off our week of Introduction to Engineering with chemical and biological engineering. Through learning about the world’s worst industrial disaster, the Bhopal Union Carbide Disaster, students grasped the importance of designing processes and plants with safety as the highest priority. Students also discovered the chemical processes that make PET, an extremely common polymer...

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Summer SAVY, Session 6 Day 5, The Story of You! Autobiography (3rd-4th)

Jul. 26, 2024—It’s the Friday Finale!   We started our day with a would you rather activity with exercise moves to make sure everyone was awake and ready for the day. After that, we did a quick editing task to remind ourselves of the rules about capitalization and punctuation before we went through our own autobiography to...

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Summer SAVY, Session 6 Day 5, The Science of Senses (3rd -4th)

Jul. 26, 2024—Hello Parents,  Welcome to our last day of Sense-sational Senses!   As we conclude our week, we are thrilled to share the incredible journey of exploration and learning your child has experienced. Our final day was packed with engaging activities that blended scientific inquiry with hands-on experimentation, fostering both curiosity and creativity.  Bubbles and Science:...

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Summer SAVY, Session 6 Day 5, Numbers Big and Small (3rd -4th)

Jul. 26, 2024—We are sorry that Numbers Big & Small has come to an end!  We have thoroughly enjoyed exploring numbers with your children! Today we started the day learning about Google and how Google got its name.  Then, we switched from very large numbers to very small numbers: decimals and fractions! We read The Universe in...

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Summer SAVY, Session 6 Day 5, Intro to Coding (1st -2nd)

Jul. 26, 2024—It was a lovely last day in Intro to Coding here at SAVY! We began our day by asking the question, “What jobs use programming and coding?” To find out the answer to the question, students had to help crack the code and decipher 4 jobs written in code. We used a number substitution cipher...

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Summer SAVY, Session 6 Day 5, Creative Contraptions (1st -2nd)

Jul. 26, 2024—Thank you so much for making these days of opportunity available to your students!  Our critical thinking and perseverance really brought our understanding of machines to new heights, rotations, and stops, and… well you get the picture.  Simple machines and compound machines are powerful in making work easier and solving many problems all around us! ...

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