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Grade 7 Category

Career Connections at SAVY 2019: Session 3, Day 4 – Science and Ethics of Gene Editing (Rising 7th)

Jul. 25, 2019—Today our main topic was genetic modifications in humans. We debated as a class whether gene editing in humans was good or bad and broke this discussion down into several circumstances to see if our opinions changed. We learned the difference between somatic and germline gene editing and how these can be applied to both...

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Career Connections at SAVY 2019: Session 3, Day 4 – Behavioral Economics (Rising 7th)

Jul. 25, 2019—I can’t believe we are nearing the end of the week. Today was an excellent adventure for our students as they were able to fully act as behavioral economists. This morning they designed their own studies aimed at observing some of the phenomena of human behavior. Groups conducted classroom studies with their peers as participants....

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Career Connections at SAVY 2019: Session 3, Day 3 – Science and Ethics of Genome Editing (Rising 7th)

Jul. 24, 2019—Today we focused our class time on genetically modified plants and animals. We started the day by discussing if we thought gene editing in these organisms “good” or “bad”, tying these opinions back to the ethical theories we learned about yesterday. We also had a guest speaker come to the class. Dr. Ellen Wright Clayton...

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Career Connections at SAVY 2019: Session 3, Day 3 – Behavioral Economics (Rising 7th)

Jul. 24, 2019—Another great day of SAVY! Today we analyzed a few combinatorial games. We talked about how game theorists study these games by observing how many potential moves are left and which spots they could be in. Then we can determine if the current setup is a winning state or a losing state for either player....

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Career Connections at SAVY 2019: Session 3, Day 2 – Science and Ethics of Gene Editing (Rising 7th)

Jul. 23, 2019—Today we learned about different ethical philosophies and how they can help us think through ethical dilemmas. We discussed moral questions such as “Is stealing wrong?” and “Should I tell on my friend that’s cheating on a test?”. We taught mini lessons on important ethical theories, such as virtue theory, contractarianism, natural law theory, categorical...

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Career Connections at SAVY 2019: Session 3, Day 2 – Behavioral Economics (Rising 7th)

Jul. 23, 2019—Already two days have flown by! The class is really picking up steam now as we further analyzed simultaneous, complete information, discrete, finite, non-cooperative, 1 on 1 games. This morning we looked at the prisoner’s dilemma with a twist. What if people have different levels of guilt from stealing or sharing? Can we gain an edge...

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Career Connections at SAVY 2019: Session 3, Day 1 – Science and Ethics of Gene Editing (Rising 7th)

Jul. 22, 2019—Today we learned about molecular biology, the Central Dogma, and different methods of genome editing. Most importantly, we learned about CRISPR-Cas9, which is the most widely used method of genome editing in science. We began the process of modifying non-pathogenic E. coli bacteria to be resistant to a specific antibiotic. Will we be able to successfully...

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Career Connections at SAVY 2019: Session 3, Day 1 – Behavioral Economics (Rising 7th)

Jul. 22, 2019—Happy first day of SAVY! The class got off to a great start today as we introduced the basic principles in game theory. We defined games as far as the context of our class is concerned and consider game theory as the study of strategy. We practiced studying games by looking at the classical example...

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Career Connections at SAVY 2019: Session 2, Day 5 – Strength and Structure of Engineering Materials (Rising 7th)

Jul. 19, 2019—I can’t believe the week is already over! We had a great time this week learning about materials science, structures, and engineering ethics.  Everyone did an excellent job this entire week and it showed in the high quality of the final projects. One of the final things we learned about today was shape memory alloys. ...

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Career Connections at SAVY 2019: Session 2, Day 4 – Strength and Structure of Engineering Materials (Rising 7th)

Jul. 18, 2019—It’s already Thursday! I can’t believe this week went by so quickly. Today we learned about macroscopic and microscopic failure surfaces.  Essentially, how we can look at a broken part and determine the type of failure. The three types of failure we focused on were ductile, brittle, and fatigue failure.  There are different macroscopic and...

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