Grade 5 Category
Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 5 – Biology and the Body (Rising 5th and 6th)
Jun. 15, 2018—Today is our last day in Biology of the Body, however we still learned a lot and had a lot of fun! We first reviewed the material we learned throughout the week. Then, we finished our cell structure models and the microscope slide observations. To conclude our learning week, dove deep into exploring DNA, its...
Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 5 – Bioarchaeology (Rising 5th and 6th)
Jun. 15, 2018—Today was all about having the students tap into their newfound bioarchaeological knowledge and take the lead on teaching activities. The students began the morning by becoming detectives and solving real-life crime scenes that they began to build yesterday, using model skeletons, leaves from outside, and hand-made “artifacts” and “clues”. In their groups, the students...
Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 4 – Biology and the Body (Rising 5th and 6th)
Jun. 14, 2018—In today’s class Biology and the body we reviewed the disease tuberculosis, its symptoms and how it is treated or how we can prevent it using the vaccine BCG. We then learned the difference between an epidemic and a pandemic outbreak. This was followed by a class discussion on the role of government and health....
Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 4 – Bioarchaeology (Rising 5th and 6th)
Jun. 14, 2018—This morning, we took a field trip! The students were able to train like real bioarchaeologists in the Vanderbilt Osteology Lab on main campus. They were able to see some real skeletons, including some pretty cool animals! Our discussion started by explore how “you are what you eat” with dietary isotopes. We learned how to...
Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 3 – Biology and the Body (Rising 5th and 6th)
Jun. 13, 2018—In today’s class of Biology and the body we finished learning about the innate versus the adaptive inmmune system. We also learned about immunodeficiency and autoimmune disorders and how they affect the individual and the immune system. Then we explored the world of microbiology. We learned the four main types of microorganisms which are...
Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 3 – Bioarchaeology (Rising 5th and 6th)
Jun. 13, 2018—Did you know that being stressed can affect your bones? How about the ways in which our culture or environment can shape our skeletal development? These were our main topics today as we looked at bone development and the factors that influence them. We started out by discussing the biocultural model. Comprised of three elements...
Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 2 – Biology and the Body (Rising 5th and 6th)
Jun. 12, 2018—Today in Biology of the body we had the opportunity to learn and explore how the immune system gives us protection. We learned about the different components of the immune system, how they work together and in some cases how disease affects these organs. Then we briefly reviewed the respiratory system, which we learned about...
Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 2 – Bioarchaeology (Rising 5th and 6th)
Jun. 12, 2018—Today, we got aHEAD of the game by taking a look at the human skull. Students had a chance to explore the skull models and hypothesize what different features might before, and then we dove into lecture, led us into learning about the bones in the skull and how they develop as you age. When you...
Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 1 – Biology and the Body (Rising 5th and 6th)
Jun. 11, 2018—Today, students were introduced to our class motto, “Stay curious, look at your surroundings and ask questions”. They worked hard to follow this motto. They were engaged, had questions, and were very curious scientists. Then we learned about the anatomy of the body and its simplest components like cells, tissues, organs and systems. We learned...
Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 1 – Bioarchaeology (Rising 5th and 6th)
Jun. 11, 2018—Today, we dove head first into the exciting world of bioarchaeology. First, to build our community of scientists, we played People Bingo! The students went around collecting information to better know their classmates with questions such as “Have you ever broken a bone? Have you been out of the country? Have you ever seen a skeleton...