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Grade 2 Category

Fall SAVY 2016 (Day 3) – Robotic Programming

Oct. 10, 2016—Greetings! Today, there were lots of smiles and celebrations!  The kids started learning about the Spheros, how they work, and how to write code to make them do whatever they can dream up for them to do!  It is full of lots of little steps and is very detailed, so when their programs worked, they...

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Fall SAVY 2016 (Day 2) – Where’s the Beach?

Oct. 3, 2016—Happy 2nd Week! This week in our “Where’s the Beach?” class, we drew pictures of the beach system, labeling the system components.  Students discussed the implications of dysfunctional beach systems, such as the story of Cape Hatteras Lighthouse which had to be moved in 1999 due to the threat of erosion. We learned that many beaches have...

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Fall SAVY 2016 (Day 2) – Robotic Programming

Oct. 3, 2016—Greetings! Class this week was full of learning, challenges, and fun!  We started by setting goals for what we wanted to learn and reviewing what we had learned last week. The kids figured out that coding can be challenging and how each step is important. If you leave off a step, then the program won’t work...

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Fall SAVY 2016 (Day 1) – Where’s the Beach?

Sep. 26, 2016—Happy First Day! Saturday marked the launch of our “Where’s the Beach?” unit with 1st and 2nd grade students.  We began with a pre-assessment concept map of beach erosion.  Students went on to uncover 5 treasures and connect them to clues that relate to our sessions with a Sand Pail Scavenger Hunt.  In our quest to answer...

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Fall SAVY 2016 (Day 1) – Robotic Programming

Sep. 26, 2016—Greetings! Can I just start by saying how amazing your children are?  They did such a great job today and their discussions and activity levels were terrific!  We are going to have such a wonderful session! To start, we got to know each other, took a snack break (feel free to send a snack that...

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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 5, Day 4) – Secrets of the Moli Stone

Jul. 28, 2016—Dear Families, Students have been working hard this week to decipher new number systems. We’ve discovered the role that bases play in different number systems, and that not all number systems are place-value systems like ours! All of our hard work payed off today because we finally were able to solve the mystery of the...

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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 5, Day 4) – Marvelous Molecules (Dr. Holden)

Jul. 28, 2016—Today was all about chemical reactions! We began the morning by reexamining the steps of our ph experiment and talked about how and why some of our data differed. Next, after exploring the characteristics of physical and chemical changes, we began investigating evidence of chemical reactions. Later, students conducted experiments that changed color, temperature, and...

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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 5, Day 4) – Marvelous Molecules (Dr. Zeiger)

Jul. 28, 2016—Students were mixing it up today as they explored the world of chemical reactions. Using a variety of different chemicals including acetic acid and starch, students found evidence that chemical reactions were taking place. This included an exothermic reaction, color change, gas formation, and a precipitate. Ask your student how we switched electrons around to...

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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 5, Day 3) – Secrets of the Moli Stone

Jul. 27, 2016—Dear Families, We are flying through the week! Today, we played a game where the goal was to make the largest two-digit number when selecting three cards from a pile that contain the numerals 0-9. Students wrote down and revised their strategies as their played against their classmates. The strategies that students used highlighted their...

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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 5, Day 3) – Marvelous Molecules (Dr. Holden)

Jul. 27, 2016—Students were hard at work in Marvelous Molecules today! We began our morning with a hands-on activity requiring our eager chemists to identify 14 different substances by name, formula, color, phase of matter, and whether it was a element, mixture, or compound. Students recorded their observations on a data table and shared their results with...

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