Summer SAVY 2017, Session 3/Day 4- Anthropological Approaches (Rising 6th/7th)
Jun. 29, 2017—Blog day 4: Power and Empathy Today, we focused on bridging specific knowledge from anthropological research with two macro-concepts: empathy and power. Our students navigated these challenging ideas by drawing on all we have learned in the last three days as well as their prior knowledge from other experiences. I was very impressed! We’ve got...
Summer SAVY 2017, Session 3/Day 4- Chemical Spill! (Rising 4th/5th)
Jun. 29, 2017—Our 4th day in Chemical Spill was great! We began the day with a visit from Ms Chelsea Peters, who explained how lead gets into soil and water via leaded gasoline combustion, the use of lead-based paint, industrial production of lead products and the use of lead pipes to carry water. She also demonstrated for...
Summer SAVY 2017, Session 3/Day 4- Big Money, Big Decisions (Rising 4th/5th)
Jun. 29, 2017—Today in Big Money, Big Decisions we talked about balancing budgets. We started the day off with a game called Budgetopolis. I use this game in my work with elected officials in North Carolina. The game puts the players into roles as Mayor, clerk, and board. Once the game starts the players have to make...
Summer SAVY 2017, Session 3/Day 4- Science of the Sea (Rising 2nd/3rd)
Jun. 29, 2017—I cannot believe tomorrow is our last day in Science of the Sea already! Today was certainly a day full of excitement as we did our Dogfish Shark dissection! I have never dissected a shark before, so I was really excited to perform the dissection and see what we could learn. We were able to...
Summer SAVY 2017, Session 3/Day 4- Mirror of Mythology (Rising 2nd/3rd- Rhoads)
Jun. 29, 2017—After doing preliminary research yesterday, we narrowed our research to a single Greek god today to better understand why Greek mythology is important and discover what it teaches us today. Students worked on researching the gods that they selected and then made posters and presented their findings to the class. We will have additional presentations...
Summer SAVY 2017, Session 3/Day 4- Mirror of Mythology (Rising 2nd/3rd- Byrd)
Jun. 29, 2017—Dear SAVY Parents! Today we really took on a tough topic within Greek mythology: Hero or Monster? We learned about about many fanged, snake tailed, fire breathing, one-eyed, multi-headed, horned, scaly, slimy… well, you get the picture. While we learned about some really terrifying creatures (yes, there were times we thought we might have to...
Summer SAVY 2017, Session 3/Day 4- Budding Botanist (Rising 1st)
Jun. 29, 2017—Our Budding Botanists are amazed that our week exploring together is coming to a close. I hope you can join us for our Open House tomorrow, 9:15am-9:45am, Wyatt 3rd floor. We would love to share some of our discoveries with you, Today we synthesized a lot of content. We created models of a flower and...
Summer SAVY 2017, Session 3/Day 3- Computational Astrophysics (Rising 6th/7th)
Jun. 28, 2017—Today in Computational Astrophysics, we made a lot of progress on our Solar System! We began with an activity that demonstrated why and how the Earth orbits the sun. In groups of two, one student acted as the sun and the other acted as the Earth. They were connected by a rope representing the force...
Summer SAVY 2017, Session 3/Day 3- Truth vs. Perception (Rising 6th/7th)
Jun. 28, 2017—Happy humpday! I have a PhD in 20th-century American literature, so I am at my happiest and most exciting when discussing fiction with people. And to my mind, there’s no better place to explore ideas about how truths vary and how perception influences people’s reality. Continuing Tuesday’s discussion of satire and how authors alter audience’s...
Summer SAVY 2017, Session 3/Day 3- Anthropological Approaches (Rising 6th/7th)
Jun. 28, 2017—Day 3: Anthropology over here Today, we brought their anthropological skills home to the United States, Nashville, and SAVY. We started the day with the famous Nacirema reading by Horace Miner. Miner writes about the strange Nacirema culture with exotic body rituals and courtship habits. But, Nacirema is really “American” written backward! We can sound...