Summer SAVY 2017, Session 3/Day 4- Science of the Sea (Rising 2nd/3rd)
I cannot believe tomorrow is our last day in Science of the Sea already! Today was certainly a day full of excitement as we did our Dogfish Shark dissection! I have never dissected a shark before, so I was really excited to perform the dissection and see what we could learn. We were able to identify much of the sharks anatomy including all of its fins, liver, stomach, intestines, spleen, kidneys, and heart. We also dissected the gills and found the inside to be very interesting! The best part was the stomach dissection where we pulled out a whole fish that the shark must have eaten! That was truly a highlight of my career as a biologist and I hope the students enjoyed it too.
The rest of the day we spent time answering questions the students had about Science of the Sea the first day we had class and we were able to do a little independent research. I am trying to get the students to think more scientifically than the questions they had the first day. By the end of today students were wondering about differences in DNA among the animals, so I think we are getting there!
We are excited to show you everything tomorrow at the open house in Murray 5 from 9:15-9:45!
Dr. LaPointe
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