Summer SAVY 2017, Session 3/Day 4- Mirror of Mythology (Rising 2nd/3rd- Byrd)
Dear SAVY Parents!
Today we really took on a tough topic within Greek mythology: Hero or Monster? We learned about about many fanged, snake tailed, fire breathing, one-eyed, multi-headed, horned, scaly, slimy… well, you get the picture. While we learned about some really terrifying creatures (yes, there were times we thought we might have to hold hands for comfort and support), we also observed that in mythology it can get a little complicated. Tomorrow we will observe that heroes can sometimes have brief moments when they can act like monsters, and monsters may not always turn out to be completely horrible. We are observing that time and perspective can alter our definitions, or at least complicate them. What difficult concepts! We will ask ourselves what we could learn from these stories?
Today we wrote and created illustrations that explain our understanding of the character of some of the gods and goddesses, as well as how they effect our culture today. We had a lot of fun creating Monster Mashups and writing our names in Greek. I think our proudest moments have come from our connections during discussions. We hope to create such a discussion for you in the morning at Open House with a deeply Socratic question (Socrates: not a god or mythic character, but a really awesome Greek teacher).
Speaking of tomorrow, we truly look forward to sharing our learning. I hope you can come and enjoy the celebration. I have truly enjoyed working with your child, and I would love to meet you!
Mrs. Byrd
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