Spring SAVY 2018, Day 3- Truth vs. Perception (5th/6th)
Feb. 12, 2018—Today, we brought up fictional tales, specifically with relation to moral of the story, purpose, narration, and point of view. To conclude our conversation from last week on American values, we read “A Modest Proposal” by Johnathan Swift, an essay which proposes a satirical solution of an abundance of hungry, poor children: have the poor...
Spring SAVY 2018, Day 3- A Great Debate (3rd/4th)
Feb. 12, 2018—This week in debate we focused on exercising our objectivity in argument. It’s easy to debate the side you agree with, but much trickier to see a topic from all angles. Two students argued whether books were better than movies and the entire class had amazing input leading to a 7-6 split in favor of...
Spring SAVY 2018, Day 3- Unpacking Adaptation (3rd/4th)
Feb. 12, 2018—Class, Thanks again for a fun, productive day! What with the rain and the gloom outside, today felt a bit like being in the wardrobe with Lucy: No matter the grey on the other side of the window, we had an adventure! We began with a quick warm-up game of Zip-Zap-Zop, followed by an exercise...
Spring SAVY 2018, Day 3- Modified Organisms (3rd/4th)
Feb. 12, 2018—Hey Parents and Students! We had a great Day 3! Depending on your perspective… we are halfway done, or we still have halfway to go! Anyways, today we learned a lot about GMOs! We learned some good things and some bad things about them. We got to see how they were used in papaya and...
Spring SAVY 2018, Day 3- Earth Explorers (1st/2nd)
Feb. 12, 2018—Geomorphologists study the Earth’s landforms, processes, and sediments at the surface of the Earth. Today we discovered how rocks are made, weathered, eroded, and moved! Students created their very own rock cycle and were able to connect various topics we discussed over the past few weeks. For the second half of class, we explored the...
Spring SAVY 2018, Day 3- Ecological Expedition (1st/2nd)
Feb. 12, 2018—Happy Third Day! Today the students listened to a reading of The Great Kapok Tree by Lynn Cherry. They paid close attention to the interactions found within the text of the story. The students were divided into small groups based upon their understanding of the story. They created Literary Analysis Cubes to aid in their...
Spring SAVY 2018, Day 3- It’s Elemental (1st/2nd)
Feb. 12, 2018—Week 3 in It’s Elemental had us completing experiments, creating some scientific art, and watching a demonstration that got some of us splashed with water. We started with reviewing our subatomic particles- the protons, neutrons, and electrons. We learned how each element has a different number of protons, for example the number of protons is...
Spring SAVY 2018, Day 3- What’s the Matter (Kindergarten)
Feb. 12, 2018—During our third we of SAVY, we got to explore some of the changes that happen during a chemical reaction. In our opening discussion of the day, we reviewed what we learned last week about the different states of matter and physical properties of a substance. We learned some new vocabulary about changing between states...
Spring SAVY 2018, Day 3- Probability and Prediction (Kindergarten)
Feb. 12, 2018—This week we spent quite a bit of time playing games. We talked about playing games as mathematicians and thinking about each person’s chances of winning. Our first game was called Even Steven. There were cubes in a bag, and player 1 was trying to draw cubes of the same color while player 2 was...
Spring SAVY 2018, Day 2- Biophotonics (5th/6th)
Feb. 5, 2018—This last Saturday, we started our discussion of laser-tissue interactions. As one of the key phenomena in biophotonics, we focused on absorption. Our emerging scientists designed their own experiments investigating the wavelength dependence of absorption. With an array of lasers of different wavelengths, students tested their hypotheses of which flavors of Jell-O would absorb a...