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Summer SAVY, Session 6 Day 4, How to Change the World: Social Movements & Collective Action (7th-8th)

Posted by on Thursday, July 25, 2024 in blog, SAVY.

Dear Parents,
Today was another exciting day of exploring how we can make a difference in the world!
Responsible and Effective Social Media Use within Social Movements
We started the day by discussing the impact of social media on social movements. Students examined both its advantages—such as its ability to quickly mobilize people and highlight activists’ perspectives without the filter of traditional media—and its drawbacks, including the risk of misinformation and echo chambers. Understanding these aspects helps students better navigate social media’s strengths and limitations and use it effectively in their own efforts.
Students also looked at how social media features in their independent research projects on various social movements, comparing this with coverage from traditional media. This exercise gave them a clearer understanding of how different media platforms influence the visibility and impact of these movements.
Developing the Skills of a Cultural Anthropologist
In the afternoon, we played Hues and Clues, a board game that encourages students to craft detailed and imaginative descriptions, an essential part of good ethnographic writing. We also played Sets, a card game that enhances pattern recognition—a crucial skill for any researcher! Finally, we discussed the significance of language acquisition for cultural anthropologists and highlighted the concept of a “growth mindset,” helping students understand that intellectual and academic skills are developed through practice much like skills in sports or music.
Discussion Questions
To further engage your child in today’s topics, consider asking:
  • What are some advantages of social media for social movements compared to traditional media?
  • How could misinformation on social media impact the goals of a social movement?
  • What skills did you practice today with Hues and Clues and Sets, and why are they important for anthropological research?
  • What new language are you interested in learning and why?
Thank you for your continued support of your scholar’s educational journey!