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Summer SAVY, Session 6 Day 4, Creative Contraptions (1st-2nd)

Posted by on Thursday, July 25, 2024 in blog, SAVY.

Work, work, work!  How can we overcome challenges and solve problems with work that is more effective, efficient, and… less work? As promised to your students, we have experienced a gentle handoff of class workload this week.  Ms. Byrd and Ms. Hannah carried the instructional load on Monday, but each day the students have been tasked with taking on more and more of the responsibility and ownership of the course objectives and processes.  Today, larger blocks of time (with guided supports) were given to students to individually analyze, plan, question, articulate, and work/create.

We celebrate the struggles that helped us to grow and the mistakes we identified in history that were necessary for the next steps in innovations.  We examined the famous “Bent Pyramid ” in Egypt and discussed different events or scenarios that might be represented in this awkward second attempt by Pharaoh Sneferu.  Unfortunately, his first attempt collapsed completely! We also examined the happy accident that occurred in 1949 when a fireman/baker observed his undercooked bread (he had to run off to put out a fire) and modified it into the innovation that today we know as “brown and serve rolls”.  We will continue to look at epic FAILS (First Attempts In Learning) and ways we can work together toward solutions.
It is so exciting to see how far the students have come in just these few days towards becoming inventors, or at least observing, identifying, and working through processes to one day be inventive. Your child will be tired this evening, so I encourage rest, relaxation, food, and plenty of hydration for these hot days.  Tomorrow we will work to complete and present our ideas as well as give each a healthy critique with constructive feedback.  At the end of the day, we will also engage in some community-building activities to help us appreciate this unique opportunity to be together, collaborate, and learn in this beautiful space.
Thank you for this opportunity and Happy Friday Eve! 🙂