Summer SAVY, Session 4 Day 3, Neurobiology of Learning (7th – 8th)
Hello SAVY Families!
Happy Wednesday! Can you believe that we are already more than halfway through the course? I sure can’t! I sincerely hope that your students are enjoying their time in this class.
This morning, we did a team-building icebreaker that required us to use nonverbal communication to complete a task. We reviewed everything from our previous guest speaker, including reading about the roles of different kinds of psychologists in professional fields, and we welcomed a new guest speaker, Dr. Geoff Woodman. Dr. Woodman is a cognitive psychologist at Vanderbilt and wrote a book about careers in psychology, so he was a wonderful guest for our career connections students! There were some incredibly thoughtful questions asked, and the talk was a huge success.
After lunch, I took a break from lecturing and let the students take a turn! We did a flipped classroom activity, where each pair/small group researched a part of the brain and presented it to the rest of the class on a poster board. It was a wonderful opportunity to review what kinds of resources are right to use for scientific research.
Some ideas to ask your students about:
- What did you like about the guest speaker today?
- What part of the brain did you have to research today? What does it do?
Looking forward to an exciting day in class tomorrow, where we will be reviewing how the 5 senses work in the brain!
Laurel Bellocchio