Spring Saturday SAVY, Week 3, The Science of Senses (Dunlap) (3rd-4th)
On Saturday in Science of the Senses, we reviewed the journal prompt from last week, as well as some of the highlights from Days 1 and 2. Afterward, we completed our study of optical illusions. The students have defined optical illusions as tricks our senses play on our minds. They also know that illusion means “to mock” in Latin. We moved on to learning about our sense of touch and how it impacts other senses. We closed by learning about the importance of protecting our skin from the sun. The students completed a sunscreen showdown and analyzed various common brands and how safe and effective they are.
To further their learning, you can discuss the following journal prompt:
- There are new advances in science every year that help paralyzed people find ways to become mobile, but there is no cure for a broken spine. Based on what you have learned about the nervous system, do you think it will be possible to repair the spine one day? Why or why not?
Thank you so much for a wonderful Spring SAVY session. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know your students. They were a pleasure to teach!
Dr. Dunlap