Summer SAVY Session 4, Day 3, Planning for the Future
Day 3: Today, students investigated what qualities allow certain items to be recyclable while other items are not. We made predictions using different recycling data and found some surprising statistics about recycling in the US, specifically in terms of single-use plastic water bottles
After lunch, students used the data collected earlier to develop a call to action — how can we persuade others to make a change to improve those same statistics in the future? From there, students developed a strategy for communicating their message and created posters to market their message to others.
Tomorrow, students will perform an experiment to test how oil spills travel through bodies of water. In keeping with the reduce, reuse, recycle theme, we will be reusing some plastic water bottles as a tool for the experiment, then cleaning and recycling them after we’re finished. If you have any empty single-use plastic water bottles at home, send them with your student on Thursday morning!
Mr. Wooten