Summer SAVY Session 3, Day 5– Solving for the Unknown: Mathematical Problems, Patterns, and Variables
Day 5: “At the Mall” Cumulating Project
Students worked in pairs to create advertisements for their shop at the mall. I was so impressed with each group’s store presentation as students shopped for items. Each of the store owners collaborated to choose the type of shop, name the shop, items to include, and equations for the shoppers to solve to purchase their items. Students brought in items and got really creative with their advertisement posters for their shops! So many students did not want to stop at the project expectations; they wanted to extend their businesses to stand out. During shopping, some shop owners even announced to shoppers why they should come shop at their store. Some shops gave away free gifts to all their customers.
Guiding questions for families to ask students:
- Pretend a new student has just entered your class and wants to learn about your experience at the mall. Explain to her/him what a variable is and how we use them to solve equations. Use one of your mall ads to help you explain.
- What was your least expensive item?
- Are your prices reasonable?
Extension Activities
Evaluating expressions with two variables (video) | Khan Academy