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Summer SAVY Session 3, Day 5 – Industrial Engineering: Machines at Work

Posted by on Friday, June 30, 2023 in blog, SAVY.

Day 5:  Industrial Engineers and their Families,

We’ve had a full last SAVY day! Students spent the day engaged in the Engineering Design Process or in business meetings. At our first business meeting, students presented their companies and initial designs. Our companies included T-Rex Tech Inc., Tech Solves, First Class Engineering, and Magic Machines!
Then, students continued creating their designs before the first test. We felt really frustrated when nearly all the initial designs failed to move the potatoes 6 ft onto the loading dock. The beauty of the Engineering Design Process? We revise and try again! After a series of tests and improvements, all companies successfully created a subsystem that worked. At the final business meeting, students wrote letters from their companies to the president of the potato chip factory.
It’s been a great week! Tonight, you might ask your engineer about their feelings and revisions throughout the day or read their letter to the president together!
Thanks for sharing your aspiring engineers with us for this week!