Summer SAVY Session 2, Day 4 – Chemical Spill
Day 4: Today we tested a sample of our chemical spill for acidity. We then designed an experiment to neutralize the spill. We tested our hypotheses and related the findings to our chemical spill.
We then learned about ecology and discussed how the spill might have had abiotic and biotic impacts on the creek ecosystem. We traced how our creek is part of the Cumberland River watershed and how the Cumberland is a tributary to the Ohio and then the Mississippi Rivers.
Students then started their research on a topic related to our studies this week which they have more questions about. We will continue our group research tomorrow and prepare presentations as our culminating activity tomorrow.
Questions to ask at dinner:
- What pH did the sample of the spill have?
- How did you neutralize the sample of the spill?
- Did any of the results surprise you? Why?
- What does an ecologist study?
- What do abiotic and biotic refer to?
- What topic are you researching for your presentation tomorrow?
Dr. Kent