Spring SAVY 2019, Day 2 – Forensic Science (1st/2nd)
What another fantastic week! Students were thrilled to continue solving our mystery! Our focus this week was on testing for acids and bases in aqueous solutions. We extended our basic understanding of chemistry and how analyzing patterns at a molecular level can reveal patterns and relationships that are crucial for solving crimes. We used the scientific method and forensic processing steps to gather and analyze forensic evidence. Students used pH scales and litmus tests to run 6 different lab assessments. The final step was to extract liquids from the spill found at the crime scene! Students were encouraged to think and work like real experts and let their scientific findings guide their case file documentation. Some of the aqueous solutions we used were common household items like, water, apple cider vinegar, coffee, milk, and orange juice, but the liquid we collected from the crime scene is still indeterminable. This led us to a new term known in the forensic field as inconclusive evidence. We watched a video that they really enjoyed. Here is the video for you all to watch and discuss together, if you’d like.
We are excited for next week as begin to learn what DNA is and how it can be used to link scientific evidence to suspects and mysteries. The students are learning that there are many patterns that can be observed at a micro level that expose relationships between gathered evidence and suspects! We continue to focus on the science behind it all!
See you next week,
Stacia Mills
Acidity Tests with our Forensic Scientists