Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 3 – Electrifying Engineering (Rising 2nd)
Can you believe it is the middle of our electrifying week? Students have been busy learning all they can about circuitry and it showed today. Continuing to explore different types of circuits, students figured out the limitations of a series circuit and how they might use a parallel circuit when using multiple output devices for their toy. In addition, students determined that LED’s need to be aligned properly in a circuit to work. Let’s hope they remember this when building their circuits tomorrow! The last part of class was spent learning the “electricity code” to draw schematic diagrams for their toy circuit. Now that everyone has their parts and initial designs we will spend all tomorrow building and testing our toys. Ask your student about their design! Make sure to rest those brains tonight, as you will need some creative thinking tomorrow.
Have a great night!
Dr. Zeiger and Ms. Tiffany