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Spring SAVY 2017, Day 5- Hydrology 101: The World of Water

Posted by on Tuesday, February 28, 2017 in Grade 3, Grade 4, SAVY.

How is water treated? After a brief introduction to drinking water treatment, the students had a chance to observe the flocculation process with Harpeth River water. Throughout class we could watch the water slowly become clearer and clearer as the alum clumped the particles together. We also explored the filtration process by building small filters out of gravel, sand, and cotton.

The majority of class was spent at three different lab stations. In the first station, students learned about groundwater and vast freshwater resource stored in aquifers. Students built their own aquifers and attempted to extract the resource with a makeshift well. The second station was hosted by a Vanderbilt Environmental Engineering graduate student, who discussed water infrastructure and how drinking water disasters can occur, like in Flint, Michigan. At the last station, each student read different popular science articles about water and then taught the group about what they learned from their reading.

Throughout our class we have discussed how water moves, how water is stored, how water is polluted, how water is managed, AND how water is treated. Next we will dig in deeper to make sure we all understand how everything is connected. I can’t wait to see you next Saturday! Have a great week.


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