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Grade 2 Category

Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 4AM/PM, Day 7) – The Science of Complexity

Jul. 19, 2016—We started a new complex system today – genetics! Students learned that DNA controls our traits with genes. In this system, the “parts” are letters, like ACTG. The rules are about how these parts can bind or be used to code for amino acids, and the pattens are the complex living things that DNA codes...

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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 4AM/PM, Day 6) – The Science of Complexity

Jul. 18, 2016—Today we learned about how trash and pollution from things like power, factories, and cars unbalance the carbon cycle by contributing more CO2 and CH4 into the air. We learned that “bent,” or “lopsided,” molecules store heat and energy, while “straight” molecules reflect heat and energy. Most of out atmosphere is “straight” molecule, like N2...

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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 4AM/PM, Day 6) – From Blueprint to Business: The Math Behind Entrepreneurship

Jul. 18, 2016—What a busy Monday! Today was our first day of production. Business groups had time to make what they were selling, and groups that are providing services were able to do some planning. All the groups worked on keeping records of their inventory. We also discussed pricing of our goods and services. We also worked...

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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 4AM/PM, Day 5) – The Science of Complexity

Jul. 15, 2016—Today we learned about decomposers, like bacteria, that break down trash. We found out that when trash decomposes, gasses like carbon dioxide and methane are released – that is why our balloons were inflating. We learned about the carbon cycle and make poster and computer models about how carbon moves through living things, like plants,...

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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 4AM/PM, Day 5) – From Blueprint to Business: The Math Behind Entrepreneurship

Jul. 15, 2016—Today the young entrepreneurs met with a loan officer at the bank to ask for a loan. Before meeting with the loan officer, business groups had to decide exactly what they would need to fund starting their business. They considered all of the materials that they would need as well as expenses like rent and...

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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 4AM/PM, Day 4) – The Science of Complexity

Jul. 14, 2016—Today we continued our investigation of ants with an experiment about ants’ foraging patterns. We found that in smaller places, ants turn more often and seem to move in more random patterns. In large places, ants move in straighter lines. We learned that this pattern makes ants more efficient, and that scientist use ants’ foraging...

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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 4AM/PM, Day 3) – The Science of Complexity

Jul. 13, 2016—Today we noticed that our fruit-trash bottles have more air in their balloons than the paper or meat bottles. Our predictions include: fruit lets out air when it composts, fruit breathes air in and out, and fruit decomposes faster. More to come on the trash as the week goes on. We also started to dive deeper into...

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