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Grade 2 Category

Spring SAVY 2017, Day 5- Robotic Programming

Feb. 28, 2017—Greetings! The kids worked really hard today!  Today was all about them, what they would like to create, and how to achieve that.  We started with a meeting in which they learned about how many degrees were in a circle, and how to write code to make their Spheros go in the directions that they...

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Spring SAVY 2017, Day 5- Awesome Algebra

Feb. 28, 2017—Our hands-on equations program is really helping students to solve equations that have both constants and variables on both sides of the equation. After today’s lesson, students are able to solve equations like 2x + 4 = x + 7  or 5x +1 = 4x + 6 to get both an x and a check. That...

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Spring SAVY 2017, Day 4- Robotic Programming

Feb. 20, 2017—Greetings! We had the best day so far!  We started by talking about Pokémon Go, because the kids were excited about the updates that just went out!  However, yesterday, they were having glitches and I was able to screen shot the error message and explain what that meant!  They were so excited to see that...

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Spring SAVY 2017, Day 4- Awesome Algebra

Feb. 20, 2017—Patterns, equations, and careers, oh my! Our mathematicians jumped in today with both feet. Though reluctant to admit it, these friends experienced some challenging learning today. Mistakes lead to growth, and I could see the synapses firing in their brains today! We talked about growth mindsets in mathematics today by opening with a number talk...

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Spring SAVY 2017, Day 4- Science of the Sea: Diving into Marine Biology

Feb. 20, 2017—Week 4 in Science of the Sea was all about aquatic microorganisms! We learned how to use microscopes so we could look at microscopic organisms up to 400X more than our eyes can see. Some of the students have used microscopes before, so they were able to visualize lots of various samples. We analyzed the...

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Spring SAVY 2017, Day 3- Robotic Programming

Feb. 14, 2017—Greetings! Today was so incredibly fantastic!  We started by talking about strategies that you can use when you get frustrated, because they are all hitting levels in programming that are challenging (which is GREAT and means we are doing our job to challenge them!) and how important it is to stick with something, but to...

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Spring SAVY 2017, Day 3- Awesome Algebra

Feb. 14, 2017—Our class was moved to the Hobbs building today, and the students did a wonderful job adjusting to our new environment. We appreciate your diligence in continuing to bring them awake and alert, ready to learn each Saturday. Thank you also for continuing to send peanut-free snacks that are safe for everyone in our classroom...

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Spring SAVY 2017, Day 3- Science of the Sea: Diving into Marine Biology

Feb. 14, 2017—Today in Marine Biology we learned some chemistry, especially chemistry of the ocean. We first completed a quick background in matter and atoms. We then investigated how these atoms formed charges which lead to ionic bonds. Some molecules that form ionic bonds are salts, but not just the table salt we normally think of. Salts...

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Spring SAVY 2017, Day 2- Robotic Programming

Feb. 6, 2017—Greetings! Today was a fun day!  We began learning about coding.  I like to start by talking about how or brain works to give us a LOT of commands to do something as simple as standing up from a sitting position.  We talked about all of the commands that your brain has to give you...

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