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Grade 2 Category

Fall SAVY 2017, Day 5- Intro to Programming: Coding 101 (1st/2nd)

Oct. 24, 2017—Dear SAVY Parents, Our adventures in code class the past weeks have included a fun way to experience and debug algorithms. Whenever we transitioned between activities, I would “program” the students by giving them a list of tasks such as: log out of your website, push in your chair, walk to the back of the...

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Fall SAVY 2017, Day 5- Adventures in Algebra (1st/2nd)

Oct. 24, 2017—Happy Fifth Day! Today the students continued to brainstorm things that were special to them and convert these things from simple to complex equations. They were introduced to advanced math concepts such as square roots and exponents. They were fascinated to learn that any number to the exponent of zero is 1, and any number...

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Fall SAVY 2017, Day 4- Intro to Programming: Coding 101 (1st/2nd)

Oct. 16, 2017—Hello SAVY Parents, Thank you for bringing your child to another action packed, problem solving, and challenge oriented “Intro to Code” class.  Students are finding opportunity for engagement and discovery, as well as development of greater thinking skills each week. It is a joy to see them work! Our lesson this week involved an important...

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Fall SAVY 2017, Day 4- Adventures in Algebra (1st/2nd)

Oct. 16, 2017—Happy Fourth Day! Today the students worked with variables in equations. They solved variable puzzles; they even went a step farther by creating their own puzzles for their peers to solve.  They tried to make sure their puzzles were in equation form. The students were actually solving one- and two-step equations in order to figure...

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Fall SAVY 2017, Day 3- Intro to Programming: Coding 101 (1st/2nd)

Oct. 9, 2017—Dear SAVY Parents, What a joy it was to work with your child today! It was amazing to see them work so hard, solve problems, and learn new skills! Programmers have to have collaborative and communications skills, as well as curiosity and persistence. Your child experienced all this and more today through robots and coding!...

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Fall SAVY 2017, Day 3- Adventures in Algebra (1st/2nd)

Oct. 9, 2017—Happy Third Day! Today the students completed a whole class concept map to summarize their understanding of “All things Algebra”. I was amazed to see that their concept map included such terminology as prime and composite numbers, charts, graphs (circle, bar, line), symbols (+ = x – /), letters, balance, equations, etc. They are beginning...

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Fall SAVY 2017, Day 2- Intro to Programming: Coding 101 (1st/2nd)

Oct. 2, 2017—Hello SAVY Parents, We had another spectacular day of coding on Saturday. The students began by tackling an “unplugged” lesson or coding lesson about a concept that we explore away from computers. The students examined 9 steps for completing a task (folding a paper airplane) and determined unneeded commands and sequenced the necessary steps to...

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Fall SAVY 2017, Day 2- Adventures in Algebra (1st/2nd)

Oct. 2, 2017—Happy Second Day! Today the students continued to work with the concept of balancing equations and expressions. They worked their way through learning that variables can be used in different ways. The students explored number tricks and used variables to represent changing quantities. During one of their number tricks, they were encouraged to use questions...

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Fall SAVY 2017, Day 1 – Intro to Programming: Coding 101 (1st/2nd)

Sep. 27, 2017—Dear SAVY Parents, It was my pleasure to meet and work with your child for Intro to Code! Each child brought a different level of knowledge and experience with this subject, however everyone seemed engaged and very excited to learn concepts and achieve new skills. We began our classroom time together with a small group...

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Fall SAVY 2017, Day 1 – Adventures in Algebra (1st/2nd)

Sep. 27, 2017—Happy First Day! The Adventures in Algebra class is digging deep into a unit on algebraic expressions, equations, and variables. As an introductory activity, the students created concept maps about themselves to become familiar with each other. The students were encouraged to use their public speaking skills to share their maps with their peers. They also...

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