SAVY Saturday, Week 3, Beyond the Pyramids (K)
Our last day of Beyond the Pyramids was an exciting and enriching one. We reviewed last week’s lessons on pyramids, pharaohs, and their significant impact on Ancient Egypt. The students showed great recall and enthusiasm as we revisited these fascinating topics.
Next, we delved into the world of Ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses, exploring their roles in the lives of the Ancient Egyptians. We discussed Osiris, Isis, Horus, Seth, and Sobek. Be sure to ask your child what each of these deities represents and who they believe was the most important in shaping Ancient Egyptian life!
Our journey continued with a discussion on the achievements and inventions of the Ancient Egyptians, particularly focusing on the calendar and papyrus. We watched a short video demonstrating how papyrus is made, which captivated the students. Ask your child about the process—they were quite intrigued! The students also discussed how these ancient inventions impact our lives today and imagined how different life would be without them.
In an exciting twist, we joined middle schoolers in the SAVY neuroscience course for some hands-on experiments. The kindergartners loved this experience and were eager to share what they learned. Ask your child about the experiments they participated in!
We then turned our attention to our essential questions for the unit. Each student chose one question to answer and created a project around it. The questions included the following:
- How did the Nile River shape the lives of Ancient Egyptians?
- What roles did pharaohs and pyramids play in Ancient Egyptian society?
- How did the achievements and culture of Ancient Egypt influence society?
Students answered their chosen questions in their journals, decided how to represent their answers through artistic expression, and created their representations. After our afternoon recess and snack, the students had the opportunity to present their thoughts and projects to the class. I was incredibly impressed with their deep thinking and artistic expressions!
Thank you for sharing your wonderful children with me. I thoroughly enjoyed teaching them about Ancient Egypt and look forward to possibly seeing them around SAVY this summer!