Career Connections at SAVY Saturday, Week 1, Powering the Future: The Wonders of Batteries and Electrochemistry (7th-8th)
SAVY Families,
Our first Saturday of Powering the Future: The Wonders of Batteries and Electrochemistry was incredible! Your children have excellent young minds, and I am so excited about having them in this course. I wanted to share with you what your child has been learning in our electrochemistry class.
Throughout our hands-on lesson and engaging discussions today, we explored fundamental concepts of chemistry and electrochemistry, gaining a deeper understanding of how matter forms on a molecular level. We covered key topics such as the role of electrons, the relationship between light and energy, and the fascinating science behind batteries and electricity.
We participated in various group activities to gain a deeper understanding of these intricate concepts. Some key takeaways from today include articulating what a chemist is, establishing a baseline of chemistry understanding, learning how to research and read like a chemist, deciphering primary scientific research literature, annotating renewable energy literature, and investigating atomic bonds with model kits and the periodic table of elements. We wrapped up class by discussing electrical circuits and how electrons make electricity.
Now that we have a firm understanding of critical chemistry fundamentals, next week we will begin to study batteries and electrochemistry in electric vehicles. At home, I encourage you to ask your child about their day in electrochemistry class.
Some “Think Beyond” questions include:
- What is a flow of electrons?
- How does the periodic table of elements show electrons?
- What does a chemist do and how did your child act like a chemist today?
- What surprised them?
These conversations can help reinforce their learning and give them a chance to share with you. Their enthusiasm and curiosity have been wonderful to see, and I hope this experience will continue to spark their interest in the world of chemistry! Thank you for your support in your child’s scientific and academic journey. I am so excited for next week!
Kindest Regards,
Ms. Hannah Richards