Summer SAVY, Session 5 Day 3, Transformations in Writing (3rd-4th)
Posted by delislss on Wednesday, July 17, 2024 in blog, SAVY.
Greetings and Salutations!
Today was busy, busy, busy, busy. The kids are in full author mode and are working on original stories. Today’s focus was on character and why it is important to develop character.
We started the day discussing character and the character arc, which is where a character exists but has a problem or challenge they have to overcome. We learned that is part of what makes the character interesting from the people at Pixar who have written their favorite shorts! We saw their storyboards and discussed and analyzed different examples of character development and how those characters’ traits helped them overcome adversity and attain success.
As you talk with your child tonight, consider a character who undergoes great transformation. We read Stellaluna and the obstacles she had to overcome, we talked about Cars and Lightning McQueen, we talked about Zelda games and how you have to undergo tasks and transform, and we analyzed characters we have read or Pixar or Disney characters to learn they all had backstories and go through periods of great change. Share some examples of things you may have overcome to transform and change or stories you know!
We investigated character vs. nature, other characters, themselves, technology, groups or rules, and even emotion. We learned that every great example we could imagine overcame something! The rest of the time was used to develop our own storylines and characters. They are really coming along well!!! Give your child the freedom to just write, write what they are passionate about, just get their ideas down, and then fix and adjust their pieces of writing until they convey what they want!
JK Rowling said that one of the best ways you can get your child to write is to encourage their love of reading. They will start by imitating their favorite authors until they develop their own style. Jack Carr talks about his favorite authors growing up and how he has little nods to them in each of his books. CS Lewis and Tolkien were friends and talked about writing and their creations. Let me tell you, they all have great ideas and skills! Have them tell you about the characters and what they learned today!
Have a great night!
Dr. Mall