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SAVY 2019: Session 6, Day 3 – Matter Mysteries (Rising 1st/2nd)

Posted by on Wednesday, July 24, 2019 in Grade 1, Grade 2, SAVY.

Hello SAVY parents!  Day 3 of our wonderful summer SAVY session Matter Mysteries was a blast. I can hardly believe that the week is almost over. Time flies when you’re having fun!

We put on our lab coats and began the morning by reviewing information from the previous lessons.  Students were able explain the states of matters while also giving various descriptions of the properties of matter.  During a group discussion, students were able to communicate examples and non-examples of matter.  We were able to watch a video that explained how the molecules in solids are tightly packed together which causes limited movement. It was observed in the video how gas molecules are farther away from each other which allows faster movement.  Finally, we talked about how adding temperature can change matter from one state to another.

Next, I introduced the students to the Wheel of Scientific Investigation and Reasoning.  In Lesson 4, students were able to conduct an experiment that allowed them to be involved in the first three process: (1) make observations, (2) ask questions, (3) learn more.  These first three processes were described as the things a scientist does before conducting an experiment.  Students worked in small groups to use their senses to make observations.  Seven items were placed on each table: shaving cream, syrup, wire, index card, balloon, aluminum foil, and kool-aid in the powder form.  Existing safety concerns were identified to determine when a student should avoid using one of their five senses to make an observation.  Students used the Physical Properties of Solids and Liquids chart to record the observations that were made using their senses and classification skills. We were able to compare/contrast the characteristics of the items that were classified as solids as well as the items that were classified as liquids.  A journal entry completed this activity when students wrote about which sense they thought was the most helpful in making their observations.

In Lesson 5, we began to make connections to the previous water, oil, and ice cube experiment performed on Monday.  Students quickly understood the changes that took place during that experiment was a physical change and not a chemical change.  We discussed what states of matter were observed during the experiment and we discussed how the food coloring from the ice cubes separated from the oil once the ice had melted.  Moving forward on the Wheel of Scientific Investigation and Reasoning we began to discuss the fourth process of scientific investigation (Design and Conduct the Experiment).  Students separated into two groups: one that would study solids and the other group would study liquids. In this next experiment, students began to formulate a hypothesis and plan an experiment that would allow them to test their hypothesis. The following question was posed to the students: Do the properties of a solid or liquid remain the same if we change the size?

I look forward to tomorrow’s session as it will begin with conducting this experiment. Thank you for another great day here at summer SAVY! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

–D. Polk

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