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SAVY 2019: Session 4, Day 3 – Circuitry, Systems, and Design (Rising 3rd/4th)

Posted by on Wednesday, July 10, 2019 in Grade 3, Grade 4, SAVY.

Dear SAVY Parents,
Today, we had issues (by design of the lessons I mean to say). We took on the complex problems and used models to reason and have discourse in order to reach goals and discover solutions.  It was amazing to see these young men work together in such respectful and reflective ways.  Most impressive!  From mosquito control to power grid regulation – we learned to reason together!
We also discussed the process of designing experiments using a hypothesis, controls, dependent and independent variables, and constants.  What understandings do we have and what can we conjecture about the process of discovery? Is it appropriate to observe outcomes informally?  Should we design a way to formally observe the outcome with data collection and analysis?  Students submitted proposals for review and it is likely someone’s research will be sponsored for an investigation on Friday.
Finally, we considered a brief article from the Canadian Press, Windsor Star of Ontario about a historic power outage. You and your child can read more about this same event in the New York Times article, The Blockout of 2003.  What was the problem?  What were the different points of view of those affected? When reasoning about this situation, what are the implications for future power system designs?
I hope you are planning to join us for Open House on Friday at 3:15 pm.  We have much to share, and we hope you find it POWERFUL as well!
Mrs. Byrd

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