Career Connections at SAVY 2019: Session 3, Day 4 – Behavioral Economics (Rising 7th)
I can’t believe we are nearing the end of the week. Today was an excellent adventure for our students as they were able to fully act as behavioral economists. This morning they designed their own studies aimed at observing some of the phenomena of human behavior. Groups conducted classroom studies with their peers as participants.
We studied our first degenerative game this afternoon as students tried to guess 2/3 of the average. This prompted a discussion of how many logical steps the average person will take when analyzing a game.
Students are excited for the conclusion of the Sash competition tomorrow. We will be wrapping up the battle for game theory champion. More importantly we will be discussing whether or not it is ethical for companies to manipulate people using their knowledge of human behavior. While this sort of corporate entrenchment into the human psyche is impossible to fully monitor, we will still debate what levels of privacy people should be able to expect while in life’s marketplace and how we could go about making this happen.
Looking forward to seeing you at open house tomorrow!
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