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Summer SAVY 2018: Session 6, Day 5 – Playing With Words (Rising 1st)

Posted by on Friday, July 27, 2018 in Grade 1, SAVY, Uncategorized.

The Open House was a lot of fun watching students doing word ladders with their parents, and showcasing their learning from our week of word play! It was a pleasure to meet parents of our new students, and to talk to parents of returning students.

The students and I finished our last ant words (N-Z), and they really enjoyed thinking about what the next word could be. A few students had even brainstormed some ideas at home and it was nice to add additional words with some of the letters. Next, we gathered in a group on the carpet and used all of our banana gram letter tiles to build words together. Banana Grams are a great way to build letter, vocabulary and word understanding in a non-competitive environment.

We then read Owl Moon and talked about similes and metaphors we noticed in the book, as well as time of day clues, how the character was feeling from clues, and clues regarding the child’s age. This was a great way to transition into more writing. Students were asked to write about any topic with any structure they chose, such as a poem, rhyming, story, etc. One student chose to write about how change is related to time by writing a story about a girl who couldn’t climb her backyard tree and longed to do so, but after a few years she was able to climb the tree and felt very accomplished.

It has been a wonderful week of playing with words. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to get to know and work with your incredible children. I hope to see these students again at SAVY!


Ms. Tyson

Photos From Open House