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Summer SAVY 2018: Session 6, Day 2 – Playing With Words (Rising 1st)

Posted by on Tuesday, July 24, 2018 in Grade 1, SAVY.

How many words can you make with ant in them? How about 26? We began reading a book called Antics, and as you can guess, each word with ant in it had an illustration featuring an ant or a group of ants. First I asked students if they could think of any new words to make from ant as the base, and they did pretty well! Our wordsmiths came up with: Antactica, anti-biotics, and anti. So, are you ready for our first 8 words from the book? Here they are: antique, brilliant, chant, deviant, enchanter, flamboyant, gallant, and hesitant. We even learned new vocabulary from these words as we enjoyed the pattern. One student said, excitedly, “They are in ABC order!” I was thrilled to see a sharp eye applied to notice a pattern. Then, we began to try to predict what the next word might be, knowing what the first letter would be. Tomorrow, I anticipate more fun with this book.

As we transitioned to our next word ladder, I noticed that our students where quickly getting the hang of the structure of word ladders! The first word was team, and when we made it to the top of the ladder, the last word was work. I asked what the connection was in the first and last words, and after thinking about it, students said: teamwork!

We finished our interactive center rotations and I do believe that our students are gaining a strong understanding of what a simile is and how to write using similes. The cutest thing was at the end when students were asked to write a simile about someone or something. When we shared our similes there were many smiles (I pointed out that smile can be found in the word, simile) because several students wrote endearing similes about friends in the class.

We discussed the concept of change, and went in search of evidence of change outside in the courtyard. Students were buzzing around noticing changes from even yesterday, including the temperature, the intensity of the sun, the moving cloud shapes, trees, flowers, the actions of human made change in the crane that was set up outside a building, and much more. When we came back to the classroom to share our observations, we talked about what a category is and students thought about where to place their observations on our categories of change chart. Our categories include: change is everywhere, change is related to time, change can be predictable or random, change can be natural or caused by humans, and change can be positive or negative. We had another fantastic day! If you have time to discuss change at home tonight, students can make a list of things that change in their home and share with the class tomorrow.

Ms. Tyson

Our Work Stations Today- Bananagrams, Charades With New Vocabulary, and Acting Out Our Book