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Summer SAVY 2018: Session 5, Day 4 – Character Creations (Rising 2nd)

Posted by on Thursday, July 19, 2018 in Grade 2, SAVY.

Happy Thursday!

This week is flying by and we are eager to see the parents tomorrow morning to show off our awesome puppets. We started off the morning by finishing our puppets. The students stayed on task the entire time so we were able to complete the puppets within the allotted time. The groups worked well with each other, compromised, helped each other with ideas, and celebrated together after everything was done! An important part of our puppet construction was thinking about mobility. Parents, ask your students what this vocabulary word means and how they were able to achieve mobility with their puppets. We had interesting ideas – some used strings, some used hinges, some used hands, etc. The students even put on their own impromptu puppet show, complete with a theme song, voice actors, and a narrator. It was great to see them take initiative and ownership of their creations and share their visions with their classmates.

After construction completed, we went on a puppet parade to show off our designs! We went to the administration office where their puppets were met with much appreciation and we walked a little bit around campus singing our theme song and animating our puppets.

After a well-deserved snack break, we picked up our pencils and began brainstorming and writing about the story adventure we want our characters to go on. The students needed to include five elements in their story: the protagonist, antagonist, inciting incident, climax, and ending. Parents feel free to ask your children what stories they came up with, there was a lot of creativity and collaboration happening in our story writing! It was great to see the students putting ideas down on paper and sharing these ideas that they had talked about all week.

Tomorrow, we look forward to sharing our creations and stories with the parents. The students should be proud of the hard work they put in to bring their characters to life. See you tomorrow!

Mrs. Kraft and Miss Ashanti


Our Character Puppet Show