Summer SAVY 2018: Session 3, Day 2 – Digital Storytelling (Rising 5th/6th)
Posted by morganr1 on Tuesday, June 26, 2018 in Grade 5, Grade 6, SAVY.
Hello parents,
What an exciting day in Digital Storytelling! We started the morning off waking up our brains with a free write and some creative time. We then watched a story performance by James Judd given during a Snap Judgement live event. We analyzed it for the 3 Act Story Structure that we learned yesterday. Ask your students if they would like James Judd to be their lawyer! They had lots of opinions during class.
After we got our creative juices flowing, we discussed the concept of Show and Tell. In stories, it is often better to show the audience what is going on instead of just telling them, but it does not necessarily work without any telling. Show and Tell is a balance. We can use images to convey messages without any words at all. For example, we looked at still shots from the 2006 movie “Little Miss Sunshine” to understand how just from the pictures we could gather enough information to understand the story. The students read a chapter from Scott McCloud’s Understanding Comics to learn seven ways to use show and tell together to create one story. After learning this, the students got to practice by making their own image to display one of the seven image-word combinations. They used old magazines to cut out and construct their panels to show their interpretation of Show and Tell. We also contextualized these qualities in the graphic novel Ghosts by Raina Telgeimer. This book gave us some great examples of how to balance show and tell.
In the afternoon, the students worked in small groups and had the opportunity to make a short film. They could do anything from a news story to an advertisement. They made a plan and filmed it with their group. After filming, we went to the computer lab and the students worked in groups to edit their short film on iMovie. The kids had so many great ideas and made some really great things! Their short are saved in a gmail we created for the class. The login information is as follows:
We are looking forward to seeing their individual final products and having a great Wednesday!
-Ms. Chappell
Today’s Focus
Telling Our Stories