Summer SAVY 2018: Session 2, Day 3 – Animal Adaptations (Rising 1st)
Happy Third Day!
Today our scientists continued to observe their mealworms and document how the mealworms are adapting to their habitats. They used millimeters to measure the mealworms and illustrated other developmental changes they observed. They discussed what their mealworms needed in order to survive and thrive in their environments. They also observed the adaptations of kangaroos, frogs, and the feral pigs. After observing the feral pigs and coming to the conclusion that these wild pigs were thriving in their environment, they had the difficult task of trying to decide should human help control the growth or decline of animal population. Based upon the video and the information that was presented to our young zoologists, they decided that humans should intervene in order to prevent the wild pigs from further destroying the environments of other animals. Tomorrow they will receive a letter from the Department of Wildlife requesting their suggestions on the best ways to intervene.
The scientists also began designing the outer structures for their mealworm habitats. They will combine their creativity and their knowledge of science and math to construct their designs. They finished the day by taking a nature walk to explore the generalization that “change may be predictable or random.” While outside the scientists felt raindrops and came to the conclusion that this was a change that was random because there was no way for our young scientists to accurately predict a change in the weather unless they were informed by their parents that it was going to rain.
Dr. P.
Homework (optional):
Is the overpopulation of the wild pigs a “change that is random or predictable?”
Examining our Mealworms