Summer SAVY 2017, Session 6/Day 4- Secrets of the Moli Stone (Rising 2nd/3rd)
Dear Families,
Students have been working hard this week to decipher new number systems. We’ve discovered the role that bases play in different number systems, and that not all number systems are place-value systems like ours! All of our hard work payed off today because we finally were able to solve the mystery of the Moli Stone. Luckily our archeologist friends found some more clues! We learned that the stone was found in China, and it also had another part! The new part had the same values written in our number system, so our mission was to figure out what each Chinese character meant. At first we were thrown for a loop because it seemed like in some ways it worked like our number system, but we noticed that there were some differences. After looking for symbols that were repeated across different numbers we discovered that the Chinese system uses expanded notation. Students are looking forward to sharing all the number systems we’ve learned throughout the week tomorrow with you! We will also be challenged tomorrow to see if we can put all our new skills to test by creating our own number systems! These number systems will go home with students tomorrow afternoon.
-Ms. Megan
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