Summer SAVY 2017, Session 3/Day 3- Mirror of Mythology (Rising 2nd/3rd-Byrd)
Dear SAVY Parents,
We had another great day of hearing stories, conducting research (working to validate some sources), and engaging in discussions. Today, we continued to concentrate on the Greek culture and the gods and goddesses that are prominent in these stories. We studied a text about the famed Trojan Horse, and the children had some very valuable discussions using a unique strategy to “connect and weave” their ideas about the content. What can we learn from these stories today? In this story, how did war begin? What was the outcome for the Greeks and inhabitants of the City of Troy? How did the outcome relate to the reasons the war began?
Tomorrow is Heroes and Monsters Day! There will be Gorgons galore and a few Cyclops as well! We will begin the day by enjoying an extensive text about the valiant efforts of Theseus to save the youth of Athens by volunteering to destroy the Minotaur of King Minos. Wow!
Your child has a bit of homework that you can help them with: Think about all the mythological gods and goddesses we have discovered, and choose ONE that they will spend extensive time developing their knowledge about even more. Tomorrow, they will respond with a elegantly short writing piece and an illustration that includes symbolism reflecting the character of the god or goddess. You’ll recognize your student’s work on Friday, because we will prepared name plates with your child’s name – written in Greek!
We sincerely wish we had more than two days left together to discover this topic of mythology! We are having so much fun learning together!
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