Summer SAVY 2017, Session 2/Day 4- Food Chemistry (Rising 4th/5th)
We had an exciting day in Food Chemistry today! We can’t believe tomorrow is already our last day. We started the day learning about yeast fermentation and why yeast is used in baking. We measured the ability of yeast to ferment sugar versus the ability of yeast to ferment Splenda. Our results showed fermentation in the presence of sugar, but not Splenda. The students hypothesized that our bodies probably also don’t know how to recognize artificial sugars like Splenda.
In the afternoon we went on a tour of a Chemistry lab at Vanderbilt. A graduate student named Dorothy who studies oligosaccharides found in human milk showed us around her lab. The students enjoyed seeing all of the chemistry equipment and asked a ton of questions about chemistry and lab safety and what its like to be a scientist.
Tomorrow we are going to try to make edible water bottles using two food products. We are also excited to set up for the open house and show you all what we have learned all week in Food Chemistry!
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