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Summer SAVY 2017, Session 2/Day 3- Data Discoverers (Rising 2nd/3rd)

Posted by on Wednesday, June 21, 2017 in SAVY.

Today flew by as we analyzed the line plot created yesterday.  We looked at different ways to describe the average: median, mode, and mean.  We calculated the range of the data set and discovered that using a line plot can be an excellent tool for displaying frequency of data.
We continued our exploration of line plots with a new research question which required students to find the average heart rate of a 2nd or 3rd grade student after exercising.  With much enthusiasm, students worked with a partner, using a stethoscope and a timer to measure their own heart rates after one minute of running in place.  Using a student created table, data was shared to form a class data set from which partners could develop a line plot.
Tomorrow morning, after completing the line plot analysis, we will discuss the pros and cons of using bar graphs and/or double bar graphs to display data.  Then, we will move into the area of market research, and how companies use data.  We will see how some graphs can be misleading, even intentionally!  Students will learn the importance of choosing the best type of graph and scale to accurately represent information.  Finally, we will conduct a little market research of our own, creating and administering a survey to help a food company launch a new product.
It has been a busy week, and the students have done a fantastic job of working together and communicating their mathematical ideas.  Students might enjoy extending today’s lesson by collecting a new set of heart rate data from family members and making a family line plot!

Have a great evening!

Mrs. Wendy Buchanan

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