Summer SAVY 2017, Session 1/Day 4- Introduction to Law (Rising 6th/7th)
Students finished their mock trials pertaining to intentional torts this morning! Students greatly enjoyed the experience of participating in a trial, and it provides beneficial experience for them, so the next major assignment was another final mock trial. This one was based on a hypothetical created by me. The hypo involved various instances of negligence by several different parties and resulted in three different lawsuits. Three different trials were to take place, so that every student would get an opportunity to participate. If they are not a party to the particular lawsuit or an attorney then they serve as jurors during that particular lawsuit. Students were all given either their first, second or third choices in regards to the roles they played in the trials. Already, two of the trials are done, one completely and the other one will be finished tomorrow when the attorneys make their closing arguments. After that, the final trial will commence. Once the students have completed the trials they also will have an opportunity to read and analyze another case,the Palsgraf case, an important case pertaining to negligence and especially to the element of proximate cause.
Due to a sudden family emergency I will be unable to attend the final class session because I have to head out of town. Therefore, my colleague, a talented attorney and Instructor for Vanderbilt Summer Academy, Christopher Jaeger, will take my place tomorrow. He will be able to really key in on some of the facts in the case that I assigned. He indicated to me that it is one of his favorites, so he will definitely be able to discuss it with the students in great detail. I was his Teaching Assistant last summer for the Law and Psychology course that he taught for Vanderbilt Summer Academy. The students will strongly benefit from his expertise and it will allow them to get an additional perspective from another attorney.
I have greatly enjoyed getting to know your wonderful children as my students and having the opportunity to teach them about law. You should be so proud of them for their efforts and for what they have achieved during this class. They have taken part in numerous activities, group presentations, mock trials and more. They have constantly responded with enthusiasm and active participation in all of the activities. I am extremely sorry that I don’t get the chance to meet you all (although I hope I will sometime in the future). I always enjoy meeting students’ parents and I am very sorry to not be able to spend the final day with them. Thanks for all that you contribute as parents to help enable the students to achieve academic excellence!
Kimberly A. Goins, Esq.
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