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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 5, Day 4) – Beyond the Pyramids: Egyptian Explorations

Posted by on Thursday, July 28, 2016 in Grade K, SAVY.

Dear Parents,

 Today we began our time together by telling persuasive stories that included an introduction, 2-3 reasons, and a conclusion while utilizing manipulative/visual supports.  We reviewed all that we had learned about life in ancient Egypt and embarked on a “trip to the market place” where we observed and discussed materials, grains, and produce.  We used some scientific and mathematical thinking to analyze pyramid structures and then we constructed them carefully with special attention to planning for a square base and four triangular sides.  After a quick break, we dove back into literature that helped us to understand some of the ancient stories of gods and the Egyptian beliefs of travel in the afterlife that is so foundational to understanding pyramids and the influence of the Nile.  We also used the pyramid model to understand and sort our thinking of the labor system all the way from farmers to pharaohs!  What a great full day! 

 We look forward to sharing more with you at Open House tomorrow at 9:00am, and then we will continue with few more lessons of discovery and discussion – beyond the pyramids.  Thank you for sharing your child with us through the SAVY program this summer. 

 Mrs. Byrd

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