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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 5, Day 3) – Hydrology: The World of Water

Posted by on Wednesday, July 27, 2016 in Grade 3, Grade 4, SAVY.

My hydrologists were hard at work today! We spend the day discussing land uses, pollutants, and harmful impacts of pollutants.  We role-played as different stakeholders in the Cumberland River watershed to figure out who was responsible for polluting our waters. As it turns out we all have responsibility to keep our watershed clean. Students learned to match non-point source pollutants with various sources. Acting as birds hunting for prey, we explored the impacts of sedimentation on the food chain.  Then we designed plans for a city landscape, considering all of the land uses (and associated pollutants) that may affect the nearby waterbodies.  Tomorrow we learn about the challenges of water management and take a field trip to an environmental lab! Please remember to wear closed-toe shoes and long pants so we all stay safe in lab! 

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