Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 4AM, Day 2) – Memory and the Brain
Today was another great day! All of the kids were sorted into houses like in Harry Potter, and we started assigning house points. Be sure to ask which house your child is in! We set some new class rules, and then we reviewed some of the concepts that we learned yesterday. Next, we learned about the different time stages of memory like sensory memory, short term or working memory, and long term memory. Ask your child if they can draw a timeline of memory! We watched a short video about the memory concepts that we have learned so far. If you are interested, I would recommend the CrashCourse series on YouTube for learning more about all kinds of things! We discussed what we should talk about tomorrow, and we played a memory game where we tossed the ball to each other.
If you want to have an in-depth conversation about memory I just came across this article in the Atlantic: . It touches on a lot of the concepts we’ve covered so far. Tomorrow we will start learning about the biology of the brain, so get ready for lots of fun brain facts!
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