Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 2, Day 1) – Engineering Policy and Urban Design
Today, students were introduced to the problem that they will be solving: The Harpeth river is polluted with excess nutrients, and withdrawing water from it exacerbates the problem. A nonprofit organization – Harpeth River Watershed Associated is suing the city of Franklin, claiming that Franklin is polluting the river with inadequately-treated effluent and withdrawing too much water to sustain a healthy ecosystem. Our students will play the roles of stakeholders: City of Franklin officials, HRWA representatives, TDEC agents, and farmers. They will design a policy that will reduce nutrient pollution in the river, increase water flow, and take into account all of the stakeholders.
To help us successfully solve this problem, we learned a bit about water on a global scale. Ask your child: How is water distributed on the planet? Who uses the most water? Where might water conservation be most effective?
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