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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 1, Day 2) – Ecological Explorers

Posted by on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 in Grade 1, Grade 2, SAVY.

Today in Ecological Explorers we investigated the question “Why are different plants in different places?” We began by learning about biomes and worked in groups to match feature cards to one of six biomes: the tropical rainforest, grassland, desert, temperate deciduous forest, taiga, and tundra. Next, we headed out to our study site behind the building to investigate what type of plants can be found in our urban ecosystem. Students worked in their groups to describe te different organisms they found in that hula-hoop. We were surprised by what we could find when we looked closely!

When we came back inside we talked about the similarities and differences between what was found in each group’s hula-hoop. We wondered if certain patterns we saw might be related differences in the environment across the different sections. So tomorrow we are going to measure the moisture and light levels in each section.

As with yesterday, during the last part of class students chose a new investigation station to explore. Exciting things were happening at these stations. We learned more about how earthworms move, and our “I wonder wall” is filling up with questions.

Tomorrow we’ll spend our last day at our terrestrial ecosystem study sites, begin planning our aquatic studies, and continue exploring our investigation stations. One of the most important thing you can do is to encourage your student to always keep their eyes and their brain open and so that they can keep making new observations and asking new questions!!!

Today’s Dinner Table Tidbits:

  • Talk about the question of the day – why are there different plants in different places?
  • Talk about what your student learned about the different biomes and connect these biomes to different places your student might be familiar with – maybe a place they’ve visited or where a family member lives.
  • Ask your student about what they found in their section of our study site. (And about what they are wondering about and the questions they have).

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