SAVY Category
Summer SAVY, Session 4 Day 4, Coding and Robotics (5th – 6th)
Jul. 11, 2024—The Final Challenges Begin! Day 4 -Coding and Robotics Course Welcome back to Day 4, where the excitement reached its peak as the participants embarked on their final challenges. Over the past few days, these talented young minds have been exploring the world of robotics, programming, and engineering with LEGO Spike Prime. Today, students put...
Summer SAVY, Session 4 Day 4, Space Academy (Whiting) (3rd – 4th)
Jul. 11, 2024—Our exploration of the solar system is coming to a close today, as we visit the remaining planets. Unfortunately, we experienced some serious bumps along the way. In a problem-based learning (PBL) scenario, we discovered that the navigation system in our spaceship broke down between Jupiter and Saturn. We have minimal tools on our...
Summer SAVY, Session 4 Day 4, Space Academy (Jahn) (3rd – 4th)
Jul. 11, 2024—Hello, fellow astronauts! Today was another day of excitement and curiosity as we explored our vast solar system! In a problem-based learning (PBL) scenario, we discovered that the navigation system in our spaceship broke down! We have minimal tools on our shuttle: an old book of star charts, a telescope, a spectrometer, and a sextant....
Summer SAVY, Session 4 Day 4, Mathematicians in History (3rd – 4th)
Jul. 11, 2024—Coming soon!
Summer SAVY, Session 4 Day 4, Mathematicians in History (3rd – 4th)
Jul. 11, 2024—Hello SAVY Families, We had another amazing day at SAVY! The mathematicians once again exceeded the expectations and rose to the challenge of our incredibly complex math course. I am grateful for the opportunity to share about our work today! Today, we learned about two more historical mathematicians, one that most SAVY mathematicians had heard...
Summer SAVY, Session 4 Day 4, Water and Weather (1st – 2nd)
Jul. 11, 2024—I hope that you had a wonderful Thursday because we sure did! It happened! The moment students realize they can think critically and make modifications/changes to improve engineering design made my day! Oh yes, students were in high gear today! We started by measuring how much water had evaporated from the cups in the...
Summer SAVY, Session 4 Day 4, Beyond the Pyramids (1st – 2nd)
Jul. 11, 2024—We had another terrific day in Beyond the Pyramids! Read Aloud: Today, I read excerpts from Egyptian Myths, a DK publishing book. This book introduces the gods and goddesses that are most significant in the mythology of ancient Egypt. Academic Vocabulary: Today we learned the meaning of pharaoh, mythology, god, and goddess in the context of the...
Summer SAVY, Session 4 Day 3, Neurobiology of Learning (7th – 8th)
Jul. 10, 2024—Hello SAVY Families! Happy Wednesday! Can you believe that we are already more than halfway through the course? I sure can’t! I sincerely hope that your students are enjoying their time in this class. This morning, we did a team-building icebreaker that required us to use nonverbal communication to complete a task. We reviewed everything...
Summer SAVY, Session 4 Day 3, Page to the Stage (7th – 8th)
Jul. 10, 2024—My friends, I can’t believe we’re already halfway there. Today represented the midpoint in our journey, and while I’m a bit wistful knowing that we are officially on the downhill side of the mountain, I remain grateful for our time together. We began our day with another set of games and centering exercises. I love...
Summer SAVY, Session 4 Day 3, Engineering 101 (7th – 8th)
Jul. 10, 2024—We tested our dam designs first thing this morning, due to the predicted inclement weather yesterday afternoon. Students learned about the difficulties of containing water in a dam and controlling its release. Right after, we started covering Mechanical Engineering and some of its sub-types. Unfortunately, ME is the broadest main type of engineering, so we...