Grade 5 Category
Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 1, Day 1) – In the Mind’s Eye: Truth vs. Perception
Jun. 13, 2016—SAVY Day 1 Blog Post: Truth vs. Perception “The truth will set you free.” “Ignorance is bliss.” “Only trust what you see with your own eyes.” “Perception is reality.” As we kicked off our Truth vs. Perception class, we began by interrogating our underlying beliefs about these topics; students moved around the room to show...
Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 1, Day 1) – Behavioral Science in Action
Jun. 13, 2016—Dear Behavioral Science in Action parents, We had a wonderful first day exploring basic statistics and psychology as a class! It is clear that each student is coming in with a good understanding of basic descriptive statistics and the purpose of behavioral science. We are very excited to build on that knowledge! To begin understanding...
Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 1, Day 1) – Social Psychology 101
Jun. 13, 2016—What a busy first day of SAVY! Here’s what we learned: Social psychology is a big, new topic for most of our students, so we began by figuring out what they already new by making individual concept maps and discussing our ideas afterward. Then, we learned our official definition of psychology: The scientific study of...