Grade 5 Category
Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 2, Day 1) – From Page to Screen
Jun. 20, 2016—It’s a shame text written in the color yellow is impossible to read, as this should probably all be that very color! Why? Because today was an exciting and happy first day in “From Page to Screen,” and our students almost unanimously agreed that only that shade would do for such emotions. A film adaptation...
Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 1, Day 4) – In the Mind’s Eye: Truth vs. Perception
Jun. 16, 2016—Today was a lively on for the Truth Vs. Perception class! One highlight was the midday visit from a magician (or is it illusionist?), who showed us a few mind-boggling card tricks. In keeping with all the work they have been doing this week interrogating perception, the students were very alert to his technique. Even...
Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 1, Day 4) – Behavioral Science in Action
Jun. 16, 2016—Hello Behavioral Science in Action Parents, Today we spent the day cleaning up and analyzing our class data set! We began the morning by having each student share with us the variables from our class survey that they were interested in analyzing. The class had eighteen questions to choose from and the combinations were very...
Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 1, Day 4) – Social Psychology 101
Jun. 16, 2016—It was a busy day again in Social Psychology 101! Here’s what we did: Today was a bit different from our other days at SAVY so far – our topic was a little bit of a secret for a little while, and we began the day by trying out an experiment on ourselves. In our...
Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 1, Day 3) – In the Mind’s Eye: Truth vs. Perception
Jun. 15, 2016— We had a great day today in Truth Vs. Perception! The students had the chance to show off their creativity in a few different ways. We started our day by making display posters for the results of our inkblot tests—everyone was able to design their own method for conveying their findings, which led to a...
Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 1, Day 3) – Behavioral Science in Action
Jun. 15, 2016—Hello Behavioral Science in Action Parents, Today was an exciting day learning about statistics! After reviewing some important concepts from yesterday’s class, we headed over to the computer lab to analyze some real behavioral science data. Individually, each student worked hard to figure out how to enter the data into SPSS statistical analysis software in...
Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 1, Day 3) – Social Psychology 101
Jun. 15, 2016—Today was all about persuasion! Here’s what happened: We began by reviewing what we’ve learned so far at SAVY with a game of pictionary – what great memories our students have! We kicked off our discussion of persuasion by examining how understanding someone’s current attitude could help us figure out the best way to persuade...
Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 1, Day 2) – In the Mind’s Eye: Truth vs. Perception
Jun. 14, 2016—Today was a really thought-provoking day in Truth Vs. Perception. The students challenged themselves in their literary and visual analyses, and in doing so, they brought up some fascinating ideas to expand our understanding of our key concepts. We started the day with Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery.” Right away, students noticed the story’s use of...
Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 1, Day 2) – Behavioral Science in Action
Jun. 14, 2016—Dear Behavioral Science in Action parents, We had a wonderful second day exploring inferential statistics and their use in behavioral science. To teach the class the different types of relationships that can exist between variables, we introduced them to correlations and t-tests. To understand correlations, the class created scatterplots and discussed how the variables they...
Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 1, Day 2) – Social Psychology 101
Jun. 14, 2016—Today we learned about learning! Here’s what went down: We began by reviewing some of the ideas we talked about yesterday in a rapid-fire guessing game. Our students did a great job learning all those ideas – they were right on the ball! Next, we practiced our study designing skills by devising our own observational,...